Mer om Sverige
- You just love to "fika", and know that it is an activity that is meant to last for hours and is not the equivalent of going for a coffee.
- You brag about the free healthcare and the free school system to every non-Swede that you have a political conversation with.
- You have absolutely no idea what is meant by” Swedish massage” that keeps being advertised as a hot item in spas all over the world.
- You feel bad if you’re not outside on a sunny day
- Making fun of Norway is a national institution. And vise versa.
- You get guilty conscience from throwing things in the dustbin that could have been recycled.
- You constantly have to point out that not EVERYONE in Sweden is blonde, in fact you add that most people are not.
- You know almost every other country in the world as well as most capital cities, or have at least studied this for a Geography test.
- People say your name in fifty different ways, but no one can get it right.
- It annoys the hell out of you that there is no good translation for the word "lagom" in any language
- You make new friends by talking about the weather

Haha så himla sant Lovisa!!
Älskar det där med geografin, mwahaaha sitta o råplugga till ett prov x)
Kramisar på dig <3